Monday, March 11, 2013

Sexy and I know it?

I've got a little confession to make... I've never been comfortable being called "beautiful" or "sexy."  "Cute" or "pretty"-sure. "Nice"- definitely! But "beautiful" and "sexy" don't really do me justice.

Chalk it up to low self-esteem as a child (I went through a LOOOOONNNNGGG awkward stage). This causes me to pretty much sabotage any compliments about my looks. Needless to say, this has led to some hilarious and interesting conversations between D (my wonderful significant other) and I.

Case in point:

The other night I was bending down to grab something in the cupboard.
D pulls me in his arms and whispers in my ear "I think it is really hot that you aren't wearing any underwear."

I chuckle... "Thanks! But I must confess something...."

See, I don't mean to come off as sexy. By no means am I anti-undergarmets (I had one friend in college who swore that nothing would get in-between her and her jeans!)

I broke it to him as gently as I could:

"Usually when I go commando it's because I'm too lazy to fold/put away/ or throw my laundry in with the kids' clothes."

SILENCE. Followed by out-right laughter (this man swears he loves my quirky-ness!)


"Yup. That and every time my mom comes over, she insists on folding my laundry and usually throws away a pair that she has deemed too old and raggedy."

So now you know my horrible secret: I am unintentionally sexy!

ps- Please do not let my mother read this- she would be horrified!

Kudos to for erasing the bags under my eyes and blurring the photo so you can't see my wrinkles!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Modesty patrol...

WARNING: This is slightly tongue-in-cheek, and mostly me wrestling with my own thoughts and beliefs. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone. I just need to get this off my chest so I can focus on my work instead of this topic ;-)

The other day a friend had "liked" a this picture:
She had made the comment that "modesty is always stylish," which I whole-heartedly agree with. I am a pretty modest dresser. I learned a long time ago that clothes that fit you well cover the lumps and bumps the best! Nobody wants to see the dimples on my thighs anyway. Not to mention, having been blessed with a perfect pear shape, it takes A LOT of skin to show of my cleavage....

My issue is with the picture admonishing women to essentially make sure that they are not tempting other women's husbands.  I'm sorry, but shouldn't we be encouraging our men to act like good men, and have some self-control?!

One commenter on the original post claimed that "men are hard-wired differently than women," suggesting that men can't help that they are tempted by a well-shaped butt, leg, flash of cleavage, clingy dress, well-turned ankle... Apparently when men see this, they are "hard-wired" to start lusting away, no matter what their spiritual, marital, or relationship status is.   Boy, that must suck!

To be fair to men, I must admit, there are a few things that make me smile, sometimes in a naughty way... Exhibit A:  Men in uniform
Be it military, police, or fire-fighter, I dig a man in uniform!


Exhibit B: A man wearing a sharp suit (I think the caption on this image sums it up pretty well).

So, in conclusion, I think that in order to protect our men, and help our men protect us from lusting as well, I suggest we ALL start wearing this:
Problem solved.

*Reminder: I am not really suggesting this. But I do encourage women to focus more on encouraging their men to be Godly, respectful, and self-controlling men rather than finding fault with how a woman dresses.